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Educational Benefit Review Toolkit

An Educational Benefit Review (EBR) is a structured process to examine the supports and services that result in a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with exceptionalities. The process can lead to improvement at both the individual and system levels within an LEA. At the individual level, the EBR is a rigorous approach that examines a student's current IEP to determine if the design is reasonably calculated to provide educational benefit. At the system level, the EBR is a  process to systematically assist an LEA in evaluating the special education services offered and to use that information to improve practice and outcomes for all students with exceptionalities.

An EBR is useful for a variety of purposes, including

  • assisting a building/district/LEA in reviewing the impact and quality of IEP programming being offered and implemented,
  • identifying areas of need in policy, practice, and/or procedures,
  • analyzing programming when progress has been limited for a particular student,
  • assisting an individual IEP team to prepare for/conduct an annual IEP review or planning for a transition, and
  • building the capacity of staff as a professional development tool to improve the quality of IEP development.

EBR Toolkit 

The EBR Toolkit is designed to support training and technical assistance in completing an EBR. Below are training resources for the LEA/District Administrator, EBR group facilitators, and EBR group participants. 

A.  LEA/District Administrator EBR Resources

B.  Team Facilitator EBR Resources 

C.  Group EBR Meeting Resources 

D. EBR Resources

  1. Questions and Answers (Q&A) on U.S. Supreme Court Case Decision Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District Re-1
  2. IRIS Center Module: IEPs: How Administrators Can Support the Development and Implementation of High-Quality IEPs
  3. IRIS Center Module: IEPs: Developing High-Quality Individualized Education Program
Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved.