Connecting Resources & Links

Connecting Resources

Connecting resources provide information and activities that are complementary and aligned with the work of the Kansas MTSS and Alignment Project.

Infinitec: Kansas MTSS and Alignment relies on districts and schools providing a system component to ensure every student can access evidence-based instruction. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Assistive Technology (AT) may be needed to address the needs of every student. The Kansas Infinitec project provides educators in Kansas with access to resources, information, and training on state of the art AT and UDL. This link provides access to information about Kansas Infinitec.

Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA): Having a MTSS is a required foundational structure in the KESA. This link provides access to information about KESA.

Kansas Learning Network (KLN): Districts who have schools designated as Comprehensive Support Schools in the Kansas Learning Network receive intensive supports that assist schools in their implementation of an MTSS. This link provides access to information about the Kansas Learning Network.

Kansas Parent Information Resource Center (KPIRC): Kansas MTSS and Alignment relies on districts and schools providing a system component to support effective family engagement. The Kansas Parent Information Resource Center provides information, training and support to educators and families in developing and implementing effective family engagement practices.

Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) Career Standards and Assessment Services (CSAS): Ensuring every student has access to curriculum and instruction aligned with the Kansas Standards is fundamental within Kansas MTSS and Alignment. At the Kansas State Department of Education, support for the implementation of Kansas Standards comes from the Career Standards and Assessment Services team. This link provides access to information from the CSAS team.

LETRS: The integrated nature of Kansas MTSS and Alignment relies on districts and schools providing a system component to support effective, evidence-based reading instruction. The Kansas LETRS cadre provides deep professional development around the science of teaching reading that can be applied across grade levels. This link provides access to information about how to obtain LETRS training.

TASN Co-Teaching: Kansas MTSS and Alignment relies on districts and schools providing a system component to support evidence-based instruction for every student. The TASN Co-Teaching project provides intensive training and coaching to educators across Kansas who are implementing co-teaching as part of an instructional delivery system. This link provides access to information about how to obtain TASN Co-Teaching training.

Connecting Links

Connecting links provide a wide variety of external resources that can be helpful to schools as they build their Kansas MTSS and Alignment  framework. 

Behavior/Social Emotional








Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved.