
To learn more about our assessments, watch this 13-minute video.


Competency Framework assessments are formative measures designed to guide students’ reflection and educators’ instruction. These assessments guide decision making regarding direct instruction to build students’ knowledge, guided practice to develop students’ fluency, and independent practice with ongoing feedback to promote students’ proficiency and generalization. All assessments are free for educational professionals to administer if utilizing the results for skill development and program improvement.

Educators can launch the assessments and view student results by creating an account on and following the instructions (provided in a how-to video on the website). This website is free and available to all educators. To promote individual reflection, students receive their summarized, color-coded results immediately after completing the assessment. Educators can view results for individual students, view aggregate results, and download a raw data file in MS Excel. In addition to the brief how-to video for accessing and launching the assessments, technical guides are available for each assessment with reliability and validity data, including internal consistency, content validity, substantive validity, fairness, structural validity, generalizability, and consequential validity. Accommodations should be provided when appropriate and may include reading the items aloud, explaining the items, or having a scribe fill in the response option. The performance-based observations are appropriate from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

Competency Framework Needs Assessment

The Competency Framework Needs Assessment is designed to measure students’ overall level of self-identified proficiency in a set of 18 intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies that are important for in-school and post-school success. These competencies comprise the intrapersonal and interpersonal domains of the Competency Wheel. Students use the results to reflect on relative strengths and areas for improvement. Educators analyze the Needs Assessment results to prioritize their efforts, focusing on those competencies for which their students need the most improvement.

Knowledge & Situational Judgement Tests

These curriculum-based measures assess students’ knowledge of competency-specific constructs and judgement of the most effective course of action when applying these constructs. These tests include multiple choice, true/false, and short answer items. The knowledge and situational judgement tests are directly aligned with lessons provided in Teaching Assertiveness, Conflict Management, Self-Efficacy & Self-Regulation in Middle and High School Classrooms (lessons with accompanying student workbooks available for purchase). These assessments can be used as pre/posttests to measure gains in knowledge when administered before and after teaching each intrapersonal or interpersonal competency.

Formative Questionnaires

These self-report measures ask students to rate competency-specific behaviors on a 5-point Likert type scale from not like me to very like me. Using automatically generated results, each student reflects on his or her performance of skills that comprise the competency components. The component results are displayed as percentages, promoting interpretation similar to traditional grading methods. Color-coded responses for each item further focus attention on specific behaviors that can be improved. Formative questionnaires are available for the intrapersonal competencies of Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulation, and Goal Setting and for the interpersonal competencies of Assertiveness, Conflict Management, Empathy, and Networking.

Performance-Based Observations

These assessments, derived from the Competency Sequence, are designed to be embedded within authentic situations such as academic courses and extracurricular activities. Based on observations across time or in specific situations, the educator rates each student’s competency-specific demonstrable behaviors on a scale (Beginning: Not yet able to demonstrate; Emerging: Able to demonstrate when prompted; Proficient: Demonstrates independently in most observed situations; or Advanced: Demonstrates independently and consistently across diverse situations, teaches/prompts others). If the educator has not had the opportunity to observe the behavior performed by an individual student, N/A can be selected. Performance-based indicators are provided from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade in Self-Regulation, Self-Efficacy, Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Conflict Management, and Empathy.

Performance-Based Reflections

These assessments, directly aligned with the performance-based observations, promote students’ reflection on their demonstration of competency-specific behaviors within authentic situations. Using a rubric, students self-assess their behavior related to a specific task or project. This assessment can be completed frequently to promote reflection on the link between competency development and classroom performance.

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Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved.