Free Measures at Webinar

Through, Kansas district and school leadertship teams can collect valuable data from instructional staff and from families. To request access, visit This website is hosted by the KSDE Technical Assistance System Network (TASN) to support districts in collecting and analyzing data from a variety of stakeholder. This webinar will walk you through the features of the website and answer your questions.

In the webinar recording, you’ll hear an overview of the measures and how districts have used them to focus efforts. Beginning around the 40-minute mark, a walk-through of the DistrictTools website is provided. On the website, you can download technical reports that provide directions, validity and reliability data, and the survey items. If you would like to test out the digital surveys, you can do so through these links: Inclusive MTSS Implementation Scale and the Family Engagement Survey–2. Please contact with questions about the website or the measures.

The Inclusive MTSS Implementation Scale (IMIS), developed in collaboration with Kansas MTSS and Alignment, evaluates a school’s tiered framework, including reading, math, and behavior/social-emotional learning. This scale is designed to be completed by instructional staff and administrators. A variety of building- and district-level reports can be automatically generated. District and school leadership teams review the data to document areas of strong implementation, determine the effectiveness of existing communication loops, and target areas for growth within their current systems. The survey requires approximately 10 minutes for completion.

The Family Engagement Survey–2, developed in collaboration with the Kansas Parent Information Resource Center (KPIRC) is a brief 20-item measure based on the national PTA's standards for family–school partnerships, which are endorsed by the Kansas State Board of Education. Family members can take the survey in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Chinese, or Swahili. Survey results are designed to support district and building leadership in identifying strengths and target areas for improvement. The website,, automatically generates school and district summary reports that can be provided back to families in any of the languages identified above. 


Tools / Forms, Video / Webinar / Podcast
Family / Community, Educators, Administrators
All Ages
TASN Evaluation
Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved.