Engaging All Families Module 6 Encouraging Involvement Video

Engaging All Families

Module 6: Encouraging Involvement

This is Module 6 of 10 in the Engaging All Families Series.

The complete series can be found here

To the right is a heading 'Included Resources". Below that heading are handouts that are referenced and used throughout this webinar.


Successful parent involvement can be defined as the active, ongoing participation of a parent or primary caregiver in the education of his or her child. Parents can demonstrate involvement at home-by reading with their children, helping with homework, and discussing school events-or at school, by attending functions or volunteering in classrooms. Schools with involved parents engage those parents, communicate with them regularly, and incorporate them into the learning process. The goal of this module is to provide content and resources for teachers to encourage families to volunteer and engage in their children’s learning through school-parent compacts.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe a strategy to increase volunteerism from families
  2. Identify tools to increase volunteerism/involvement
  3. Design a grade or school level parent teacher compact


Self-Guided Training, Video / Webinar / Podcast
Administrators, Educators, Family / Community, Related Services / Support Staff
All Ages
Kansas Parent Information Resource Center (KPIRC)
Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2025. All Rights Reserved.